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Showing posts from November, 2014

Embedding tex in pdf figures

It's often required to include latex symbols in publication ready figures. For example Greek symbols in LaTex can be written as \alpha which appear as the actual alpha symbol when compiled. The same effect can be embedded in figures and these figures can be separately compiled for convenience. This means that you don't have to create any intermediate files (such as pstex) in your actual tex file but rather have standalone pdf figures. You need to have a few things in hand and this is done in Ubuntu (or any Linux system) 1. Dia 2. fig2pdf (sudo apt-get install fig2pdf) - this will install a whole range of other converters, fig2eps etc. 3. XFig (this will be installed from the fig2pdf command itself) 4. Latex (comes with the Ubuntu distribution) OK. In Ubuntu you can test if everything is available by typing in the commands, e.g. if you type fig2pdf it should know the command and should tell you the usage. Now we proceed to create a figure in Dia. You see that t